Frequently Asked Questions About uPVC Windows & Doors


SuperWin uPVC windows and doors are one of the most advanced and popular concepts in recent times which is getting accepted worldwide. The most popular wooden windows and doors were largely installed in homes but they have certain limitations. On the other hand, uPVC windows and doors have many advantages over traditional windows.

As the uPVC concept is quite new compared to traditional windows and doors, there are certain questions in people's minds that need to be acknowledged. Here is the list of frequently asked questions about uPVC windows & doors which also consists of the answer that you might be looking for.

Are uPVC windows and doors durable?

The life expectancy of SuperWin uPVC windows and doors is more than 10 years which is way higher than the traditional windows. SuperWin uPVC windows are offering ten years warranty for no colour fading and no brittleness the best part about SuperWin uPVC windows and doors is that they look new for many years without any paint or polish. Why uPVC Windows are Preferred over Wooden Windows

Is the maintenance for uPVC windows and doors high?

uPVC windows are one the most cost-effective solutions as they don't require much maintenance. Cleaning the SuperWin uPVC window is very easy. A simple wipe can easily remove the dust and dirt over the uPVC surface.

How do uPVC windows and doors make the room comfortable?

SuperWin uPVC windows and doors are sound resistant and vibration proof that does not allow external noise to enter. It makes the room environment peaceful and comfortable. SuperWin uPVC windows and doors maintain the room temperature, especially in the summer.

What is the impact of the Monsoon? 

SuperWin uPVC windows and doors are weatherproof. They are designed to prevent water from entering inside during monsoon season due to drainage holes at regular intervals. So they do not allow water to enter into the room which keeps the home dry and safe. The quality of the material of SuperWin uPVC windows and doors is so good that it does not rot, warp or fade from the rainwater.

Full Blog on Monsoon: Benefits of Superwin uPVC Windows & Doors in Monsoon

We hope all these useful answers help you to finally make the decision for the betterment of your home. For more information, contact SuperWin technologies. We are one of the pioneers in manufacturing uPVC windows and doors in Gujarat with advanced technology and constant innovation.

For more details on uPVC, you can check out 5 Reasons to Install Superwin uPVC Windows & Doors